Marketing for Business

Marketing is essentially how you position your brand and get it in front of your target demographic. Without it, your business will be severely limited in how much it'll grow. There are multiple areas of marketing, both offline and online, paid and free, and it depends on your business which route you take. In this section we focus on understanding of your audience, creating an effective strategy, digital channels, email marketing, PPC and SEO, and traditional methods such as print advertising and events.

How Can I Revamp My Email Lists?

How Can I Revamp My Email Lists?

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How Can I Revamp My Email Lists?

How to test, cleanse and segment your email lists to help you avoid the dreaded spam filter and increase the ROI from email marketing

What Your Logo and Font Say About Your Business

What Your Logo and Font Say About Your Business

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What Your Logo and Font Say About Your Business

Getting your logo design right is hugely important for your business, principally because it establishes your brand and creates customer recognition.

Market Your Niche Product: The Hacker's Way

Market Your Niche Product: The Hacker's Way

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Market Your Niche Product: The Hacker's Way

Marketing a niche product can be difficult. Here's a super-quick and low-cost way of getting your niche product in front of the right crowd, however small.

How to Combat the Competition

How to Combat the Competition

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How to Combat the Competition

Competition is fierce across all industries so it's vital to know how to deal with competitors. We evaluate strategies for staying ahead of the compeititon

How to Find Your Perfect Marketing Agency

How to Find Your Perfect Marketing Agency

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How to Find Your Perfect Marketing Agency

Taking on a marketing agency can be a daunting prospect for any small business, so here's what you should expect and how to find the one most suited to you.

How Unique Are You?

How Unique Are You?

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How Unique Are You?

Offering customers a unique product or serving a niche market can help you stand apart from your rivals.

How to Avoid the Dreaded 'Unsubscribe' Button

How to Avoid the Dreaded 'Unsubscribe' Button

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How to Avoid the Dreaded 'Unsubscribe' Button

So you've jumped on the email marketing bandwagon. Now here's how to avoid high bounce and unsubscribe rates and keep your ROI high.

How to Drive Sales For Your New Product

How to Drive Sales For Your New Product

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How to Drive Sales For Your New Product

When launching a new product there are two things you should consider before starting your marketing campaign; content & delivery. Here's why.

Creating Your First Content Strategy

Creating Your First Content Strategy

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Creating Your First Content Strategy

Everything you need to know to start putting together your first content strategy for your business from understanding your customers to implementing it.

Content: The Most Profitable Revenue Channel Ever?

Content: The Most Profitable Revenue Channel Ever?

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Content: The Most Profitable Revenue Channel Ever?

How to mine your business and industry for interesting and engaging topics such as new products, technological developments and fashions.

The Small Business Guide to Making Content Work

The Small Business Guide to Making Content Work

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The Small Business Guide to Making Content Work

A strong piece of content shouldn't be limited. Making the most out of your content means thinking about different channels.

Why Content is Such a Buzzword in Business

Why Content is Such a Buzzword in Business

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Why Content is Such a Buzzword in Business

In the age of ecommerce, the way in which companies and clients interact has changed in recent years, and posting adverts simply doesnt cut it anymore

How to Turn Blogging Into a Revenue Channel

How to Turn Blogging Into a Revenue Channel

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How to Turn Blogging Into a Revenue Channel

A blog gives your company a personal face. It can be a simple way to convey complicated messages to your customers and can help you build a loyal following.

What Your Images Say About Your Business

What Your Images Say About Your Business

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What Your Images Say About Your Business

A picture is worth a thousand words. Supporting imagery is essential to creating a great website, but it’s vital that you use those images legally.

How to Make The Most of Twitter on a Tiny Budget

How to Make The Most of Twitter on a Tiny Budget

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How to Make The Most of Twitter on a Tiny Budget

If you have a small marketing budget, how do you use Twitter? How can you grow your presence for free? Here are our top tips..

How to Make The Most of Facebook on a Tiny Budget

How to Make The Most of Facebook on a Tiny Budget

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How to Make The Most of Facebook on a Tiny Budget

​It all used to be quite simple. You'd work out who you wanted to like your page, put together the right content and Bob's your uncle. And then...

Why You Should Focus More on Email Marketing

Why You Should Focus More on Email Marketing

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Why You Should Focus More on Email Marketing

With other, more 'exciting' digital channels, email marketing is often a forgotten channel, but it could actually be your most effective.

How to Use LinkedIn to Market Your Business Effectively

How to Use LinkedIn to Market Your Business Effectively

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How to Use LinkedIn to Market Your Business Effectively

With over 313 million members in more than 200 new countries, if your business doesnt have a presence on LinkedIn, it should do. Here's our handy guide

How You Can Learn to be Creative

How You Can Learn to be Creative

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How You Can Learn to be Creative

You can’t teach someone to come up with great ideas, but creativity is something that can be nurtured and developed with the right kind of attitude.

How to Grow Your Email Subscribers

How to Grow Your Email Subscribers

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How to Grow Your Email Subscribers

How do you go about growing your email subscribers without holding a gun to their head. Seriously, don't do that.