Marketing for Business

Marketing is essentially how you position your brand and get it in front of your target demographic. Without it, your business will be severely limited in how much it'll grow. There are multiple areas of marketing, both offline and online, paid and free, and it depends on your business which route you take. In this section we focus on understanding of your audience, creating an effective strategy, digital channels, email marketing, PPC and SEO, and traditional methods such as print advertising and events.

Drafting your Business Marketing Plan

Drafting your Business Marketing Plan

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Drafting your Business Marketing Plan

How you can use your current or previous customers as a powerful marketing tool, and how to turn them into effective brand advocates.

Business is Never Too Big To Fail

Business is Never Too Big To Fail

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Business is Never Too Big To Fail

Big business should never ignore their rivals, instead they should embrace the competition and keep up with developments.

Why You Need a Digital Brand

Why You Need a Digital Brand

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Why You Need a Digital Brand

Don't let competitors get ahead - you need to develop a digital strategy too. Beginning with your website.

What is Content Marketing?

What is Content Marketing?

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What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is now an essential part of any marketing strategy. Read our introduction to content marketing including blogs, videos and social posts

Why You Should Worry About Indirect Competition

Why You Should Worry About Indirect Competition

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Why You Should Worry About Indirect Competition

It's not just your direct competitors, you need to worry about. Be aware of the wider competition also vying for your customers' business.

Key Marketing Metrics To Assess Strategy

Key Marketing Metrics To Assess Strategy

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Key Marketing Metrics To Assess Strategy

For any marketing strategy, it's vital you're able to measure its success. CPA and ROI are among the marketing metrics that help to assess your performance

No-Frills Deals and Freebies

No-Frills Deals and Freebies

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No-Frills Deals and Freebies

No frills deals and freebies can work incredibly well for some businesses and not at all for others. Here's how you can work out the potential benefits.

Reacting to a More Successful Competitor

Reacting to a More Successful Competitor

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Reacting to a More Successful Competitor

We suggest positive ways in dealing with a more successful competitor - there's no reason why you can't still thrive.

Attracting Customers With Your Good Looks?

Attracting Customers With Your Good Looks?

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Attracting Customers With Your Good Looks?

It's one thing attracting people with the look of your business, but make sure you follow it up with a quality service.

Relationships Are Key to Customer Retention

Relationships Are Key to Customer Retention

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Relationships Are Key to Customer Retention

It's a big mistake to neglect your current customers in favour of new leads. Explore how to improve customer retention with great communication and service

Advertising your Business to Potential Customers

Advertising your Business to Potential Customers

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Advertising your Business to Potential Customers

There are many ways to reach out to potential customers, but there is one almost guaranteed way to reach more customers. Knowledge Hub investigates...

The Analysis Behind the Marketing

The Analysis Behind the Marketing

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The Analysis Behind the Marketing

Launching a new marketing campaign to overcome the competition requires forethought. Read our advice on competitor analysis for your marketing strategy

Train Staff To Identify Competition - Quick Tips

Train Staff To Identify Competition - Quick Tips

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Train Staff To Identify Competition - Quick Tips

Competition can be tough, so make sure your staff are on the ball, that they're engaging customers and they're aware of what your rivals are doing.

Social Media and Customer Retention

Social Media and Customer Retention

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Social Media and Customer Retention

When it comes to retaining customers or clients, Social Media can be incredibly important, and could be the crucial factor in someones purchasing decision.

What is a Linear Model of Communication?

What is a Linear Model of Communication?

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What is a Linear Model of Communication?

Linear models of communication have been largely superseded by transactional and mutual models, but they still have a number of advantages for businesses

Hiring a Copywriter for Your Ecommerce Business

Hiring a Copywriter for Your Ecommerce Business

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Hiring a Copywriter for Your Ecommerce Business

As an ecommerce business, you need to hire a strong copywriter who knows how sell your products to your customers.