2015: Royalty, Star Wars 7 and Sexy New Fleximize - Fleximize

Fleximize's Year 2015

Star Wars, royal nippers, VE parties and a sexy new Fleximize — 2015 in review

By Caz Blaxcell

It’s certainly been an eventful year – with some wonderful moments, and others less welcome. Not to gloss over the more unsettling events of 2015 that shocked us all, but in our annual review we've decided to focus on the positives.

We witnessed the first official UK astronaut – Major Tim Peake – rocket to the International Space Station, we were fascinated at the discovery of liquid water on Mars, Princess Charlotte became the newest member of the royal family, we celebrated the 70th anniversary of VE day with very British street parties, the UK general election surprised the most experienced political journalists, and the much-anticipated Star Wars Episode 7 was released to critical acclaim (and queues round the block).

The Fleximize force is with you

In the midst of these remarkable events, Fleximize HQ was busy doing what we do best; supporting the UK's SME community by funding an array of different businesses, from haulage companies and manufacturers, to restaurants and quirky clothing boutiques.

In fact, Fleximize tripled the amount of funding provided to businesses in 2015 compared to last year.

One of the things that makes Fleximize different is that we build personal relationships with all of our clients, and we care about business owners. So we doubled our team to take care of our customers' needs. We expanded our workforce to continue to offer the best possible service, and of course to help spread the word that we're a great alternative to high street banks.

Among these achievements, Fleximize has had lots of other wins that we'd like to share. Here's a quick journey through our highlights of 2015.

Our 2015 highlights in pictures (and a few words)

1. We increased our lending limit

Fleximize is now able to service much larger loans and we extended our lending limit for the Flexible Business Loan from £100,000 to £200,000.

Not only that, but we also introduced a couple of exciting new products to our range of funding solutions, and we've streamlined our underwriting process. By tiering the process, we're able to keep our service as fast and hassle-free as possible.

Fleximize Funding Solution Screenshot

2. We launched a shiny new website

When Fleximize first launched in early 2014, the website was put up to serve a basic purpose. But we've matured and it was time for it to go. As perfectionists, we felt that only an awesome website would do. The site's revamp kept the marketing and development teams busy for months, but we love our new site and we hope you love it too!


3. As part of the new site release, we launched The Knowledge Hub

The Knowledge Hub is the go-to place for business owners looking for free, relevant articles on topics that affect all types of SMEs – from law, finance and tax to creativity and marketing. It’s definitely worth a gander.

Knowledge Hub screenshot

4. We visited some of our customers

Check out our case studies section to watch videos of some of our happy customers.

5. We created some awesome interactive content

Fleximize teamed up with creative agency, Distilled, to create some hugely inspiring interactive content, and there's loads more lined up for 2016, so keep your eyes peeled! Here's the Careers of the Founders which, when released, almost sent our site into meltdown...

careers of the founders png

6. We launched our first ever radio ad campaign

Fleximize produced a series of adverts featuring Game of Thrones actor Ralph Ineson. Take a listen or read the announcement.

Goodbye 2015. Well, hello 2016...

2014 saw Fleximize leave the starting blocks, and 2015 was us getting into our stride. We can't wait to get crackin' with 2016, with lots in the pipeline that we hope will help grow many SMEs around the country. It's going to be another corker!