Audiences and Niche Markets

Marketing to niche audiences is tricky but find out what they want and you're on your way

Marketing your product or service to a narrow target audience is tricky. It's best to put in a lot of research so you know your audience inside out, and what they want from your marketing. For instance, ask yourself how your product or service helps your customer or improves their life in some way. Advice and other articles are available for your perusal...

An SME's Guide to Working With Micro-Influencers

An SME's Guide to Working With Micro-Influencers

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An SME's Guide to Working With Micro-Influencers

Annabel Mulliner of Little Seed Group looks at how SMEs can work with micro-influencers to grow their brand and sales online

3 Reasons Why Customer Personas Really Matter

3 Reasons Why Customer Personas Really Matter

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3 Reasons Why Customer Personas Really Matter

Learn more about why customer personas are important when optimising your business strategy and how to create them using our easy step-by-step guide

Community Based Marketing for B2B SMEs

Community Based Marketing for B2B SMEs

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Community Based Marketing for B2B SMEs

Ashley Friedlein explores the concept of community based marketing and shares tips on how to create your own community as a B2B SME

4 Omnichannel Marketing Strategies for SMEs

4 Omnichannel Marketing Strategies for SMEs

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4 Omnichannel Marketing Strategies for SMEs

From creating buyer personas to implementing A/B testing, we explore four of the most effective ways to integrate omnichannel marketing strategies into your next campaign

Marketing Your Niche Product in New Locations

Marketing Your Niche Product in New Locations

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Marketing Your Niche Product in New Locations

Kashif Naqshbandi of Anderson Frank shares how he successfully marketed a niche product in different locations

How to Stand out in a Crowded Marketplace

How to Stand out in a Crowded Marketplace

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How to Stand out in a Crowded Marketplace

Differentiating your business is no easy task, and it’s getting more difficult all the time. Matt Stevens explains how to make your SME stand out from the crowd

Taking the Guesswork out of Influencer Marketing

Taking the Guesswork out of Influencer Marketing

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Taking the Guesswork out of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has resulted in huge success for the companies that get it right, but choosing an influencer for your brand is tricky. Until, that is, you start using artificial intelligence

The Companies Using Tech to Tackle Food Waste

The Companies Using Tech to Tackle Food Waste

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The Companies Using Tech to Tackle Food Waste

The sustainability issue around food waste has captured public attention recently. The founders of app-based services OLIO and Karma discuss their approach

Death Isn't the End for These Startups

Death Isn't the End for These Startups

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Death Isn't the End for These Startups

The funeral industry has a reputation for over-charging and under-serving. Two startups explain how they're challenging the status quo through innovation

The Revolutionary Subscription Start-ups

The Revolutionary Subscription Start-ups

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The Revolutionary Subscription Start-ups

Vinyl Me, Please and uOpen explain how subscription box services are challenging the status quo in e-commerce with personalised and delivered treats

Top 10 Tips for Doing Your Own Publicity

Top 10 Tips for Doing Your Own Publicity

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Top 10 Tips for Doing Your Own Publicity

Getting effective press coverage for your new business can be tricky on a budget. This guide covers the basics of PR so you can promote your own business

How to Save Time on Social Media Marketing

How to Save Time on Social Media Marketing

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How to Save Time on Social Media Marketing

With social media marketing becoming increasingly time-consuming, Alex Packham shares 11 ways to create and share quality content without wasting time

How Can I Revamp My Email Lists?

How Can I Revamp My Email Lists?

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How Can I Revamp My Email Lists?

How to test, cleanse and segment your email lists to help you avoid the dreaded spam filter and increase the ROI from email marketing

Market Your Niche Product: The Hacker's Way

Market Your Niche Product: The Hacker's Way

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Market Your Niche Product: The Hacker's Way

Marketing a niche product can be difficult. Here's a super-quick and low-cost way of getting your niche product in front of the right crowd, however small.

How Unique Are You?

How Unique Are You?

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How Unique Are You?

Offering customers a unique product or serving a niche market can help you stand apart from your rivals.

How Bluetooth Marketing Could Give You The Edge

How Bluetooth Marketing Could Give You The Edge

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How Bluetooth Marketing Could Give You The Edge

Bluetooth Marketing is a still relatively untested channel but in terms of catching passing trade and winning business it can be incredibly effective.