Marketing for Business

Marketing is essentially how you position your brand and get it in front of your target demographic. Without it, your business will be severely limited in how much it'll grow. There are multiple areas of marketing, both offline and online, paid and free, and it depends on your business which route you take. In this section we focus on understanding of your audience, creating an effective strategy, digital channels, email marketing, PPC and SEO, and traditional methods such as print advertising and events.

How to Capitalize on Holiday Marketing Trends

How to Capitalize on Holiday Marketing Trends

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How to Capitalize on Holiday Marketing Trends

Amanda Walls, Director at Cedarwood Digital, shares her tips for capitalizing on holiday trends, including how to create ads that stand out and how free delivery can impact sales figures

Why Your Marketing Leads Aren't Working

Why Your Marketing Leads Aren't Working

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Why Your Marketing Leads Aren't Working

Bryony Thomas from Watertight Marketing takes a look at common pitfalls SMEs face when executing their marketing strategy, and the four pillars of marketing success

Establishing a Social Media Policy for Your SME

Establishing a Social Media Policy for Your SME

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Establishing a Social Media Policy for Your SME

Here's why every SME should have a watertight social media policy, along with a four-step guide on how to create one that your employees will abide by

Capitalising on Business 'Micro-Moments'

Capitalising on Business 'Micro-Moments'

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Capitalising on Business 'Micro-Moments'

With the advancement of online shopping and increasing dominance of mobile browsing, capitalising on the 'micro-moments' in your customer journey could be the key to success

Taking the Guesswork out of Influencer Marketing

Taking the Guesswork out of Influencer Marketing

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Taking the Guesswork out of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has resulted in huge success for the companies that get it right, but choosing an influencer for your brand is tricky. Until, that is, you start using artificial intelligence

The Companies Using Tech to Tackle Food Waste

The Companies Using Tech to Tackle Food Waste

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The Companies Using Tech to Tackle Food Waste

The sustainability issue around food waste has captured public attention recently. The founders of app-based services OLIO and Karma discuss their approach

The Importance of Product Packaging & Branding

The Importance of Product Packaging & Branding

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The Importance of Product Packaging & Branding

Product packaging is crucial for online business to promote their online store, pack their products, and wow their customers. Here are some top tips from the experts

How to Organize an Event on a Budget

How to Organize an Event on a Budget

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How to Organize an Event on a Budget

Organizing an event can be a great way to boost your business profile, but it's very easy to run over budget. Here's a guide to successfully running an event on a budget

How to Use Landing Pages to Grow Your Business

How to Use Landing Pages to Grow Your Business

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How to Use Landing Pages to Grow Your Business

A successful landing page strategy can be pivotal for maximising return-on-investment, supporting wider marketing efforts, and meeting business goals

The Power of Referral Marketing

The Power of Referral Marketing

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The Power of Referral Marketing

Referral marketing is one of the most powerful ways to grow your business. Here’s how to implement a successful referral campaign for your business

Death Isn't the End for These Startups

Death Isn't the End for These Startups

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Death Isn't the End for These Startups

The funeral industry has a reputation for over-charging and under-serving. Two startups explain how they're challenging the status quo through innovation

The Revolutionary Subscription Start-ups

The Revolutionary Subscription Start-ups

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The Revolutionary Subscription Start-ups

Vinyl Me, Please and uOpen explain how subscription box services are challenging the status quo in e-commerce with personalised and delivered treats

Top 10 Tips for Doing Your Own Publicity

Top 10 Tips for Doing Your Own Publicity

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Top 10 Tips for Doing Your Own Publicity

Getting effective press coverage for your new business can be tricky on a budget. This guide covers the basics of PR so you can promote your own business

10 Business Blogs to Follow in 2018

10 Business Blogs to Follow in 2018

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10 Business Blogs to Follow in 2018

The internet is brimming with brilliant business blogs, but which ones are worthiest of your reading time? Here are the best blogs to follow in 2018

How to Save Time on Social Media Marketing

How to Save Time on Social Media Marketing

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How to Save Time on Social Media Marketing

With social media marketing becoming increasingly time-consuming, Alex Packham shares 11 ways to create and share quality content without wasting time

Business Awards: 7 Steps to Getting Shortlisted

Business Awards: 7 Steps to Getting Shortlisted

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Business Awards: 7 Steps to Getting Shortlisted

With plenty of free awards available to UK businesses, its a great chance to generate some positive PR. Get yourself shortlisted with these top tips

Sponsorship: Finding Your Brand's Perfect Match

Sponsorship: Finding Your Brand's Perfect Match

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Sponsorship: Finding Your Brand's Perfect Match

Sponsoring a sports team or TV show can be a cost-effective way for SMEs to reach their target audience. Here's how to use sponsorship to your advantage

Brand Storytelling: Big Successes and Epic Fails

Brand Storytelling: Big Successes and Epic Fails

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Brand Storytelling: Big Successes and Epic Fails

Storytelling is a brilliant way of attracting and retaining customers. What can small businesses learn from the best and worst campaigns of recent years?

Why Employers Should Embrace Social Media

Why Employers Should Embrace Social Media

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Why Employers Should Embrace Social Media

Many employers regard social media as an unwelcome distraction and drain on company productivity. Used correctly, however, it could transform your workforce

9 Ways to Cut Your Basket Abandonment Rate

9 Ways to Cut Your Basket Abandonment Rate

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9 Ways to Cut Your Basket Abandonment Rate

Cart abandonment is a common problem for e-commerce businesses. What practical steps can they take to improve their checkout process and boost conversions?