Customer Retention

For ideas on retaining customers, read our articles loaded with fantastic ideas and tips

Once you've attracted customers, how do you hold onto them? Customer retention involves use of a variety of tactics to keep them coming back. From offering exclusive deals and listening to customer feedback, to prioritising your best customers to finding the right location for your business, we have a range of advice on how to increase customer loyalty.

Customer Reviews Can Attract New Business

Customer Reviews Can Attract New Business

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Customer Reviews Can Attract New Business

Eight in ten people trust online reviews as much as word of mouth recommendations - this is why reviews are key to attracting new business.

Relationships Are Key to Customer Retention

Relationships Are Key to Customer Retention

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Relationships Are Key to Customer Retention

It's a big mistake to neglect your current customers in favour of new leads. Explore how to improve customer retention with great communication and service

Customer Attraction and Retention

Customer Attraction and Retention

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Customer Attraction and Retention

Customer attraction and retention both require attention if you want to maintain sales in the long run. But which takes more effort? We compare strategies

What to Spend on Customer Service & Other Questions

What to Spend on Customer Service & Other Questions

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What to Spend on Customer Service & Other Questions

How much should you spend on customer service, and should you be training your staff on it? Fleximize covers questions and answers about customer service

The Personal Touch is Key

The Personal Touch is Key

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The Personal Touch is Key

Finding new customers is important for any business, but just as vital, is retaining them. How can you use personal touches to make sure they stay with you?

Prices v Customer Service

Prices v Customer Service

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Prices v Customer Service

For your customers, there are two main factors to focus on in their decision making cycle - price and customer service. But which is the most important?

Focus on Both Repeat & New Business

Focus on Both Repeat & New Business

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Focus on Both Repeat & New Business

New sales are important for growth, but your existing customer base is also essential in keeping your business going. But which should you focus on more?

Should You Drop Bad Customers?

Should You Drop Bad Customers?

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Should You Drop Bad Customers?

Dealing with customers who waste your time can be frustrating for business owners. Do you ignore them? Do you embrace them? Knowledge Hub investigates...

How Much Training Should I Give My Customer Service Team?

How Much Training Should I Give My Customer Service Team?

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How Much Training Should I Give My Customer Service Team?

Training of your customer services team seems like an obvious step to build a solid customer base, but are you doing enough?

Understanding Your Customers

Understanding Your Customers

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Understanding Your Customers

Customers are one of the most important factors in the success of a business. Here's why understanding yours is essential.

So, Just How Important Are Your Customers?

So, Just How Important Are Your Customers?

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So, Just How Important Are Your Customers?

Everyone knows your customers are important. But are they always right? It's a common phrase but does it stand up? Knowledge Hub investigates...