
Find out more about sales strategies, targetting customers, entering new markets and more...

Making sales isn't that easy. It requires strategy, skill, forecasting and, sometimes, tenacity and patience! Yet when it comes to the success of a business, sales are probably the most obvious factor to focus on. In this section, we'll explore different sales tactics, how you can effectively target your customers, break into new markets and keep growing your revenue.

The Revolutionary Subscription Start-ups

The Revolutionary Subscription Start-ups

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The Revolutionary Subscription Start-ups

Vinyl Me, Please and uOpen explain how subscription box services are challenging the status quo in e-commerce with personalised and delivered treats

Top 10 Tips for Doing Your Own Publicity

Top 10 Tips for Doing Your Own Publicity

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Top 10 Tips for Doing Your Own Publicity

Getting effective press coverage for your new business can be tricky on a budget. This guide covers the basics of PR so you can promote your own business

Card Surcharge Ban: How SMEs Can Offset the Cost

Card Surcharge Ban: How SMEs Can Offset the Cost

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Card Surcharge Ban: How SMEs Can Offset the Cost

It's now illegal for businesses to charge customers for debit and credit card payments. How can companies manage the impact of the card surcharge ban?

9 Ways to Cut Your Basket Abandonment Rate

9 Ways to Cut Your Basket Abandonment Rate

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9 Ways to Cut Your Basket Abandonment Rate

Cart abandonment is a common problem for e-commerce businesses. What practical steps can they take to improve their checkout process and boost conversions?

How Casper and Eve Are Driving Innovation in the Mattress Industry

How Casper and Eve Are Driving Innovation in the Mattress Industry

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How Casper and Eve Are Driving Innovation in the Mattress Industry

Startups Casper and Eve have revolutionized the experience of buying a mattress. We discover how the two companies have successfully disrupted the industry

Going Global: the Secrets of International Expansion

Going Global: the Secrets of International Expansion

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Going Global: the Secrets of International Expansion

Expanding overseas can be a daunting prospect for any small business, but a plethora of online tools is enabling companies to compete from the outset

History of E-Commerce

History of E-Commerce

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History of E-Commerce

Think of the history of e-commerce, and you'd probably think of the 1990s. But you'd be wrong. Here's our short guide, from ARPANET to Google algorithms

Amazon Dash and the Internet of Things

Amazon Dash and the Internet of Things

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Amazon Dash and the Internet of Things

With Amazon's release of Dash Buttons in the UK, the internet of things has taken a sharp turn toward commerce and one-touch grocery ordering

The Best WordPress Plugins for E-Commerce Startu-ps

The Best WordPress Plugins for E-Commerce Startu-ps

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The Best WordPress Plugins for E-Commerce Startu-ps

There's a multitude of WordPress plugins that can help e-commerce startups offer customers a seamless shopping experience. Here are four of the best

eBay Loans and Advice for eBay Seller Success

eBay Loans and Advice for eBay Seller Success

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eBay Loans and Advice for eBay Seller Success

Article offering great advice for eBay Sellers who want to boost business – from applying for eBay loans to strategic timing of auctions

The Entrepreneur's Holiday Gift Guide

The Entrepreneur's Holiday Gift Guide

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The Entrepreneur's Holiday Gift Guide

With Black Friday approaching, Christmas gift buying can be a challenge, especially for busy people. So we've trawled the web for you. Here's our top picks.

Indy Traders Love Easy Mobile Payment

Indy Traders Love Easy Mobile Payment

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Indy Traders Love Easy Mobile Payment

Droplet mobile payment app is fintech that's making Christmas trading easier and less costly for independent retailers and their customers.

Unwrap the Secrets to Online Retail at Christmas

Unwrap the Secrets to Online Retail at Christmas

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Unwrap the Secrets to Online Retail at Christmas

Prezzybox owner, Zak Edwards, opens up about the secrets to a merry Christmas in online retail, and offers wise advice to smaller retailers.

How to Use Content to Drive Sales

How to Use Content to Drive Sales

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How to Use Content to Drive Sales

These days the line between marketing and sales is particularly thin. In this article we look how content can be used to build trust and drive acquisition

How a Reseller Could Revolutionize Your Sales

How a Reseller Could Revolutionize Your Sales

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How a Reseller Could Revolutionize Your Sales

Many business don't even consider using a reseller to grow their sales, but it's a channel that could give your sales a huge boost, for a tiny cost.

How to Properly Introduce Your Business

How to Properly Introduce Your Business

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How to Properly Introduce Your Business

Two steps to providing helpful communication, setting you apart from your competitors while also introducing and promoting your business.

Ask Fleximize: Sales Management

Ask Fleximize: Sales Management

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Ask Fleximize: Sales Management

This time, we've scoured the country for business owners with sales management issues and brought there questions to the Fleximize experts

Do You Know Your Leads From Your Weeds?

Do You Know Your Leads From Your Weeds?

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Do You Know Your Leads From Your Weeds?

Are your sales figures stuck in a rut? In this article we look at one simple way you can revolutionize your lead management process and grow your numbers.

Sales Skills: Finding Quality Leads and Forecasting

Sales Skills: Finding Quality Leads and Forecasting

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Sales Skills: Finding Quality Leads and Forecasting

Fleximize offers tips on generating sales leads that convert and projecting revenue. Discover how you can find high-quality leads and make a sales forecast

Providing Finance to Customers

Providing Finance to Customers

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Providing Finance to Customers

How do I offer financing to my customers? If you're considering this question, its important to first understand a little about consumer credit practices