Business Loans for Cash Flow Wizards - Fleximize

Business Loans for Cash Flow Wizards

Take a look at our award-winning cash flow business loans

Keeping an eye on your cash flow? Looking for a working capital loan to see you through a quieter period? Our flexible funding is ideal for smoothing out those cash flow bumps.

We understand that it can be hard to maintain stable cash flow when you run a small business. That’s why our cash flow business loans have been designed for SME owners who need a capital boost to take on new opportunities and grow their business, or as we like to call them, the cash flow wizards of the business world.

Funding designed for cash flow wizards

Over the years, we've partnered with many business owners to help them maintain good cash reserves, especially those in industries with long payment terms, such as manufacturing or construction. Our loans have been designed with the practical needs of small business owners in mind, and work well as:

1. A buffer against late or long payments

Poor cash flow is known to be one of the biggest killers of small businesses in the UK, with late payments identified as the principal cause of cash flow struggles. But we understand that there’s only so much a business owner can do to ensure customers pay on time. Because of this, many companies are often left short of cash when they need to purchase more stock, repair a vital piece of machinery or pay their own creditors, including employees.

Business owners who are struggling with cash flow due to late payments often turn to alternative finance providers for a short-term business loan to bridge the gap between supplying goods to a customer and receiving payment. Many can offer funding within a matter of hours, and at Fleximize we go one step further - our Penalty-Free Promise means that businesses can pay off the loan in full as soon as the late payment is made, even if it's well before the end of their loan term. Businesses will also save on interest if they repay early, as we only charge interest for each day the business has the loan.

In particular, our Flexiloan Lite can also help small businesses who have secured contracts with clients but have agreed to long payment terms of 90+ days. The Flexiloan Lite is a great short-term product that can provide breathing space and a boost to cash flow during this period between supplying the service/product and receiving payment.

2. An alternative to invoice finance

Invoice financing is a way for businesses to free up cash flow by borrowing money against outstanding invoices. Many businesses will opt for this form of finance when waiting for invoices to be fulfilled. It’s considered a good way to unlock working capital, as the business is technically ‘selling’ an asset to free up cash.

However, it’s well worth considering how a small business loan can be used alongside invoice financing, or even as an alternative to invoice financing. For example, businesses may find that they have limitations on the facility where they may be unable to finance some invoices due to a customer's location, industry or strength. In addition, the fees associated with invoice financing can be quite expensive if your business relies on this form of finance for a prolonged period of time, especially if a business is tied into financing all invoices.

We understand how such costs can actually end up crippling a business, which is why our business loans have been designed as a viable alternative to invoice financing, with top-ups built into your loan term. In addition, we have no set-up fees if businesses apply directly with us and we'll also recalculate the interest on your loan if you're in a position to repay early.

3. Funding to take on new contracts

Small businesses may find that they have the time and manpower to take on larger projects, but lack the working capital to pay for the equipment or shipping costs associated with a bigger contract. Smaller contracts may not provide the level of cash required to fund a larger project, where more capital expenses are needed for the purchase of equipment, larger quantities of materials, contractors or employees.

In particular, we've found that businesses specialising in short-term projects or goods manufacturing find it difficult to access the short-term cash they need to take advantage of time-sensitive opportunities or larger contracts. In such cases, a quick boost of finance can allow the business owner to accept a larger order in the short-term, whilst enjoying a wider margin of profit once the order is fulfilled. Our loans' built-in flexibility means the business can repay early on completion of the project, or part-pay early. Or, they can utilise the remaining funds for a longer period, helping them to build the momentum to continue taking on larger projects.

Fleximize customer Stewart MacLeod, an events DJ and merchandising provider in Devon, borrowed £15,000 for this exact purpose. As with many manufacturing businesses, the nature of Stewart's merchandising contracts means that he must pay factories to produce and ship goods well in advance of receiving customer payment, leaving him out of pocket for several weeks per project. This, in turn, meant that Stewart was having to turn down new contracts which could lead to large profits, simply because he did not have the working capital at his disposal to fulfil larger orders.

Fleximize was able to offer Stewart an unsecured business loan of £15,000 tailored to the unique needs of the business. The money was in Stewart’s account within two days of starting the application, and the funds allowed him to take on a prestigious contract with Club Wembley.

Cash flow finance:

Stewart MacLeod used working capital provided by Fleximize to fulfil a large merchandising project with Club Wembley

How Fleximize can help

Whether you need a flexible business loan to cover late customer payments or the working capital to take on a new contract, our award-winning business loans have been carefully designed with your needs in mind.

Our Flexiloan product is great for businesses that have been trading for 12+ months, whilst our recently launched Flexiloan Lite is designed for businesses that have been trading for 6+ months. We can offer you up to £500,000 over a term of 3-48 months, and funds can be with you in as little as 24 hours.

Here's how we go the extra mile to support you with your business expansion plans:

At Fleximize, we love supporting small businesses with their growth plans. Drop us a call on 020 7100 0110, and our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have and talk you through our products.

Explore our products

If you run a small business and need a funding partner to help boost your cash flow, you can apply for our award-winning business loans through our simple online form.

Looking for more? We also specialise in funding for:
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