Economics News

Keeping track of the ups and downs in the UK economy

Shifts in the economic landscape can have a significant impact on the lives of small business owners. So prepare your company for changes in the economy by finding out what's going on regionally, nationally and internationally.

What Labour’s Employment Law Changes Mean for Your Business

What Labour’s Employment Law Changes Mean for Your Business

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What Labour’s Employment Law Changes Mean for Your Business

We break down what the Government's "New Deal for Working People" means for your business.

General election 2024: What it means for SMEs

General election 2024: What it means for SMEs

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General election 2024: What it means for SMEs

Voting for the right party for your business is a big deal. The outcome of this election could shift how you operate. Here's a summary of everything you need to know.

Spring Budget Breakdown: An Essential Guide for Business Owners

Spring Budget Breakdown: An Essential Guide for Business Owners

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Spring Budget Breakdown: An Essential Guide for Business Owners

What does the Spring Budget mean for business owners? Use this SME Spring Budget guide to help your business stay informed with tax changes, VAT & more

Autumn Statement 2023: What You Need to Know

Autumn Statement 2023: What You Need to Know

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Autumn Statement 2023: What You Need to Know

A round-up of everything you need to know about Jeremy Hunt's Autumn statement 2023: Business rates relief, living wage increases, national insurance cut for the self-employed

Spring Statement: A Summary for Business Owners

Spring Statement: A Summary for Business Owners

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Spring Statement: A Summary for Business Owners

With Chancellor Jeremy Hunt unveiling his latest Spring budget for 2023, we take a look at the new measures that small business owners need to know about

Autumn Statement 2022: Everything You Need to Know

Autumn Statement 2022: Everything You Need to Know

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Autumn Statement 2022: Everything You Need to Know

We explore everything you need to know about Jeremy Hunt's Autumn statement: tax cuts, national insurance and more!

Budget 2021: A Summary for Business Owners

Budget 2021: A Summary for Business Owners

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Budget 2021: A Summary for Business Owners

With Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveiling his latest budget for 2021, we take a look at the new measures that small business owners need to know about

Government Announces New Business Support Plan

Government Announces New Business Support Plan

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Government Announces New Business Support Plan

Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveils a package of measures to protect jobs and the economy with Covid-19 cases on the rise

Budget 2020: The Key Points for Small Businesses

Budget 2020: The Key Points for Small Businesses

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Budget 2020: The Key Points for Small Businesses

The 2020 Budget Announcement included a series of measures to protect the economy, businesses and jobs from coronavirus. Here's everything you need to know

Autumn Budget Announced in the Run-up to Brexit

Autumn Budget Announced in the Run-up to Brexit

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Autumn Budget Announced in the Run-up to Brexit

Philip Hammond announces retailer rate cuts, the introduction of UK digital tax, and a two-year fix on VAT threshold in the 2018 Autumn Budget

SMEs Granted Power to Borrow Against Invoices

SMEs Granted Power to Borrow Against Invoices

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SMEs Granted Power to Borrow Against Invoices

Legislation has been put into place to end restrictions on invoice finance for small businesses

Autumn Budget: Business Rates Boost for SMEs

Autumn Budget: Business Rates Boost for SMEs

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Autumn Budget: Business Rates Boost for SMEs

Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond reveals package of measures that should ease the business rates burden on the UK's smallest companies

Autumn Statement: What Businesses Need to Know

Autumn Statement: What Businesses Need to Know

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Autumn Statement: What Businesses Need to Know

In his autumn statement, chancellor Philip Hammond delivered worrying news on the UK economy, but revealed some promising proposals for British businesses

‘Nothing has Changed’ for Fintech Following Brexit

‘Nothing has Changed’ for Fintech Following Brexit

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‘Nothing has Changed’ for Fintech Following Brexit

Alternative finance leaders say it’s been business as usual following the EU referendum, but express concern about recruitment for UK fintech startups

Executive Pay Targeted by Government White Paper

Executive Pay Targeted by Government White Paper

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Executive Pay Targeted by Government White Paper

A new report reveals that FTSE 100 bosses earn 150 times more than employees, and says executive pay should be decided by a ‘shareholders committee’

Apple Ordered to Repay Irish Tax of €13 Billion

Apple Ordered to Repay Irish Tax of €13 Billion

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Apple Ordered to Repay Irish Tax of €13 Billion

The European Commission rules Apple is to pay unpaid tax of up to 13 billion to the Irish government, as yet another corporation facing public backlash

Retail Banking Set for Shake-Up

Retail Banking Set for Shake-Up

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Retail Banking Set for Shake-Up

The Competition and Marketing Authority criticizes lack of competition in retail banking sector, and vows to create fairer deal for customers and businesses

Suffolk and Norfolk Devolution Could Boost Business Growth

Suffolk and Norfolk Devolution Could Boost Business Growth

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Suffolk and Norfolk Devolution Could Boost Business Growth

Suffolk and Norfolk devolution could bring more than £1 billion of funding to the region, and give businesses a greater say over local issues

Chancellor George Osborne Pledges to Cut UK Corporation Tax to 15%

Chancellor George Osborne Pledges to Cut UK Corporation Tax to 15%

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Chancellor George Osborne Pledges to Cut UK Corporation Tax to 15%

George Osborne says UK is still "open for business" following Brexit vote, as he outlines plan to cut corporation tax to lowest rate of all major economies

EU Referendum: Britain Backs Brexit

EU Referendum: Britain Backs Brexit

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EU Referendum: Britain Backs Brexit

David Cameron announces he is to step down as Prime Minister after majority of British public votes in favour of leaving the European Union in referendum