Economics News

Keeping track of the ups and downs in the UK economy

Shifts in the economic landscape can have a significant impact on the lives of small business owners. So prepare your company for changes in the economy by finding out what's going on regionally, nationally and internationally.

Osborne Reveals 2016 Budget

Osborne Reveals 2016 Budget

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Osborne Reveals 2016 Budget

Budget 2016: A quick look at news for SMEs and entrepreneurs from George Osborne's April budget announcement

Brexit: Threat to SMEs Relying on EU

Brexit: Threat to SMEs Relying on EU

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Brexit: Threat to SMEs Relying on EU

RSA report: Brexit threatens EU-dependent SMEs. They struggle to export beyond Europe and want more government support to trade with emerging economies

Call for Sharing Economy to be Counted in ONS Data

Call for Sharing Economy to be Counted in ONS Data

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Call for Sharing Economy to be Counted in ONS Data

Report wants economic contribution of the sharing economy, including Airbnb and Uber, to be officially measured in UK's growth figures

Businesses Say UK Economy is Biggest Concern in 2016

Businesses Say UK Economy is Biggest Concern in 2016

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Businesses Say UK Economy is Biggest Concern in 2016

ICAEW survey highlights vulnerability to changes to businesses due to our reliance on domestic trade

'Make Tax Digital' Urges Removal of Quarterly Tax Return Requirement

'Make Tax Digital' Urges Removal of Quarterly Tax Return Requirement

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'Make Tax Digital' Urges Removal of Quarterly Tax Return Requirement

Government says firms don't need to submit four tax returns a year. And a petition forces Parliament to debate planned reforms to small business tax returns

Osborne Reveals Autumn 2015 Spending Review

Osborne Reveals Autumn 2015 Spending Review

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Osborne Reveals Autumn 2015 Spending Review

The 2015 Spending Review and Autumn Statement were delivered to the Commons revealing some significant changes in tactic. Fleximize presents the key points

Small Welsh Town Goes Offshore

Small Welsh Town Goes Offshore

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Small Welsh Town Goes Offshore

'Fair Tax Town', Crickhowell in Wales, finds a legal loophole to avoid paying tax in protest of a fairer tax system.

HMRC to Close Nearly 140 Local Offices

HMRC to Close Nearly 140 Local Offices

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HMRC to Close Nearly 140 Local Offices

HMRC has recently announced closures of 137 local sites in the UK to save £100 million. Fleximize explores this part of the government's modernisation plan

40% of Consumers to Christmas Shop on Mobile

40% of Consumers to Christmas Shop on Mobile

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40% of Consumers to Christmas Shop on Mobile

Research from Webloyalty reveals 40% of consumers will shop using mobile this Christmas, and will spend more time shopping online than last year.

UK Ranked as a Top Place for Doing Business

UK Ranked as a Top Place for Doing Business

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UK Ranked as a Top Place for Doing Business

World Bank report ranks UK above US, Germany and Japan, and recognises it as great place to start a business.