Accounts and Accounting

Accountancy advice tailored for small businesses

Accountancy is one of the most important areas of business. Every SME owner needs to have their finances in excellent shape – disorganised or inaccurate figures could harm business and impact the bottom line. Why not browse through articles in this section to polish up your knowledge on topics ranging from tax returns and PAYE, to accountancy software and budgeting?

How to Forecast Your Annual Profits

How to Forecast Your Annual Profits

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How to Forecast Your Annual Profits

Knowing how to forecast your profits is essential to small business. We share the basics of putting together an annual forecast.

Accountants: Outsourcing vs In-house

Accountants: Outsourcing vs In-house

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Accountants: Outsourcing vs In-house

Looking for an accountant, but unsure whether to outsource or go in-house? We weigh up the pros and cons of both, and evaluate cloud solutions such as Xero

Registering and Unregistering for VAT

Registering and Unregistering for VAT

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Registering and Unregistering for VAT

Find out all you need to know about registering for VAT, including handy tools for easy bookkeeping and Making Tax Digital

Steps to Business Insolvency

Steps to Business Insolvency

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Steps to Business Insolvency

When your business goes beyond the brink, it can lead to insolvency. But just what is insolvency? Hint: It's got nothing to do with Bankruptcy.

Introduction to Not-For-Profits

Introduction to Not-For-Profits

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Introduction to Not-For-Profits

Top tips for starting and operating a not-for profit organisation, and turning a profit-making business into a not-for-profit

Separating Personal and Business Finances

Separating Personal and Business Finances

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Separating Personal and Business Finances

Keeping personal and business finances separate is essential - or you may end up in trouble with the tax man (or woman).

Busting Myths About Administrators (or Insolvency Practitioners)

Busting Myths About Administrators (or Insolvency Practitioners)

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Busting Myths About Administrators (or Insolvency Practitioners)

Putting right the myth that administrators are the bad buys. Read how they always try to salvage your business, not destroy.

Business ​Debt and Insolvency, and Tax

Business ​Debt and Insolvency, and Tax

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Business ​Debt and Insolvency, and Tax

There are agreements you can sort with HMRC in the event of insolvency, debt, or unpaid invoices. We review some of these options including bad debt relief

How to Transfer Your Business Assets

How to Transfer Your Business Assets

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How to Transfer Your Business Assets

We take a look at how to transfer business assets, and the reasons why you need to ensure you seek professional guidance when doing so

Appealing a VAT Penalty

Appealing a VAT Penalty

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Appealing a VAT Penalty

Appealing against a VAT penalty from HMRC means following the guidelines relating to an indirect tax appeal. This article outlines the appeals process.

Claiming Startup Expenses

Claiming Startup Expenses

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Claiming Startup Expenses

Got your startup up and running? Did you know that there are ways that you can reclaim the expenses of starting your business? Here's how...

HMRC Penalties for Self-Employed Workers

HMRC Penalties for Self-Employed Workers

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HMRC Penalties for Self-Employed Workers

Tax rules on using self-employed workers have been tightened. Make sure you understand who's responsible for tax and NI if you have self-employed workers

Here’s What to do When You’re Not Making a Profit

Here’s What to do When You’re Not Making a Profit

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Here’s What to do When You’re Not Making a Profit

Don't panic if you stop making a profit. It happens to every business at some point, and by following these simple steps you can quickly turn things around

When Will Your Start-up Start Making a Profit?

When Will Your Start-up Start Making a Profit?

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When Will Your Start-up Start Making a Profit?

It can take years to be profitable, but it doesn't mean you're a failure. Looking for positive signs and planning certainly helps.

Are Pay Slips Compulsory?

Are Pay Slips Compulsory?

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Are Pay Slips Compulsory?

It's Pay Day, so where do you stand legally on your current processes? By not providing a pay slip are you breaking the law? Here are the facts...

Mastering the Basics of Financial Management

Mastering the Basics of Financial Management

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Mastering the Basics of Financial Management

There isn't one route to mastering financial management, so we share a few different avenues for expanding your financial know-how including online courses

The Basics of PAYE

The Basics of PAYE

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The Basics of PAYE

PAYE is compulsory for most UK businesses, so it's vital for employers to get it right. We cover the basics of PAYE, including who needs to use it and how

How to Treat Customer Discounts in Your Bookkeeping

How to Treat Customer Discounts in Your Bookkeeping

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How to Treat Customer Discounts in Your Bookkeeping

Whether you're offering discounts to get rid of stock, attract new customers or launch a reward scheme, make sure you record the figures accurately.

Employee Salaries: Standard Rates

Employee Salaries: Standard Rates

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Employee Salaries: Standard Rates

Salaries are such an important factor in keeping your employees motivated. But just how should you work out what to pay your staff?

Tax Payments and Closing a Company - Quick Tips

Tax Payments and Closing a Company - Quick Tips

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Tax Payments and Closing a Company - Quick Tips

Even when winding down a business, there are taxes you are still expected to pay. Get our top tips on handling taxes and HMRC when you're closing a company