Strategies for Your 2020 Restaurant Marketing Mix - Fleximize

Strategies for Your 2020 Restaurant Marketing Mix

From leveraging user-generated content to providing guest Wi-Fi, Hannah Hambleton of Beambox shares six essential strategies every restaurant should consider for their 2020 marketing mix

By Hannah Hambleton

Marketing a restaurant is not easy. Competition is fierce, customers can be fickle and shifting dining trends can mean the market changes quickly. Restaurants need the perfect marketing mix to entice new customers and encourage repeat and profitable return visits. To help you target your marketing strategy effectively this year, Hannah Hambleton of Beambox shares six essential elements to include in your 2020 marketing mix:

1. Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories differ from normal Instagram posts in that they disappear after 24 hours and allow links and geotags to be added (essential for restaurant search). They take the marketing power of Instagram even further – boosting brand awareness and marketing reach.

Here are some great ways to use Instagram Stories for your restaurant marketing:

2. Providing Wi-Fi

Giving customers what they want is vital for every restaurant. And that includes guest Wi-Fi. As well as driving footfall, Wi-Fi marketing is an important part of any restaurant marketing mix. As customers log-in with their email address and sign up, you can then use details of customers who opt-in for lead-generation and retention.

Guest Wi-Fi means your restaurant will be able to:

3. Email marketing

Email marketing is low cost, flexible and its super-segmentation potential allows targeting of specific customer groups. Every restaurant needs to use it as part of their marketing mix.

It’s important to build a great email list of quality contacts. As mentioned above, one way to do this is building an email list from guest Wi-Fi in your restaurant, or by offering competitions online where entry requires inputting an email address.

4. Reviews

We've already mentioned reviews above, as they're an essential part of any business' marketing strategy. In particular, customer reviews increase brand awareness, give you invaluable feedback, get you noticed, and help to make you the first choice for any diner who may be considering your competition.

5. Encourage user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) on Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat includes restaurant reviews, tagged videos and uploaded photos all taken from diners. It serves to show your customers having a great time with you, as well as boosting brand awareness and follower engagement.

Here are some great ways to encourage UGC from your diners:

6. App marketing

Consider adding a mobile app to your marketing mix. They offer powerful marketing potential.

The right restaurant marketing mix is essential to boost SEO and brand awareness, as well as boosting long-term profitability. To keep ahead of the game, review your marketing mix regularly, testing new channels and ways to engage and nurture customers.

About the Author

Hannah Hambleton is the Content Manager for Beambox. Beambox is a guest Wi-Fi provider, combining perfect Wi-Fi with an innovative marketing platform for lasting customer insight. Beambox works with venues including retailers, hotels and restaurants.