Political News

Delivering the political news that matters to businesses

Whether you're into politics or not, there's no denying that the decisions of MPs can have a big impact on how you run your business. From tax changes to government funding announcements, we give you the lowdown from Westminster

SMEs Write Pro-Brexit Open Letter

SMEs Write Pro-Brexit Open Letter

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SMEs Write Pro-Brexit Open Letter

Small business owners sign open letter urging Brits to vote to leave EU, citing the need for “flexibility and adaptability” as the key to success

Brexit: Threat to SMEs Relying on EU

Brexit: Threat to SMEs Relying on EU

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Brexit: Threat to SMEs Relying on EU

RSA report: Brexit threatens EU-dependent SMEs. They struggle to export beyond Europe and want more government support to trade with emerging economies

'Make Tax Digital' Urges Removal of Quarterly Tax Return Requirement

'Make Tax Digital' Urges Removal of Quarterly Tax Return Requirement

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'Make Tax Digital' Urges Removal of Quarterly Tax Return Requirement

Government says firms don't need to submit four tax returns a year. And a petition forces Parliament to debate planned reforms to small business tax returns

Business Growth Scheme Scrapped

Business Growth Scheme Scrapped

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Business Growth Scheme Scrapped

The Business Growth Scheme has been scrapped by Government as part of its Spending Review. Read about the reaction from the business community to the news

Funding for Lending Scheme Extended to 2018

Funding for Lending Scheme Extended to 2018

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Funding for Lending Scheme Extended to 2018

An extension to the Funding for Lending Scheme has been confirmed until 2018, but what exactly does this mean for UK SMEs? Fleximize reviews the details

Osborne Reveals Autumn 2015 Spending Review

Osborne Reveals Autumn 2015 Spending Review

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Osborne Reveals Autumn 2015 Spending Review

The 2015 Spending Review and Autumn Statement were delivered to the Commons revealing some significant changes in tactic. Fleximize presents the key points

Reports of SME Lending Extension, Ahead of Autumn Statement

Reports of SME Lending Extension, Ahead of Autumn Statement

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Reports of SME Lending Extension, Ahead of Autumn Statement

Fleximize delves into rumours that the Autumn Statement will include an extension to the Funding for Lending Scheme, and what this would mean for lenders