Cash Flow Forecast Template

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We've already put in the required formulas so once you've added your ongoing and outgoings you should be left with a fully-fledged forecast!

Be a cash flow wizard

Cash flow (otherwise known as "We've got how much in our bank account?!") is the life and soul of your business.

Once you've downloaded the cash flow forecast template, you'll be well on your way to understanding how your business fluctuates - so you can make decisions for the future with the information in front of you.

Input your money in, such as from sales, refunds, or grants, and then add your money out. These would be your costs each month, like payroll, tax, and utilities.

The template will then calculate both your total money in - and out - of the business and give you a closing balance and net cash flow.

Tips for completing the forecast template

Owner’s contribution is any personal money you put into the business. Owner’s drawings are any amounts you took out for personal use. Only fill out the ‘Money from loans’ row if newly borrowed money hits your account during the period. Don’t put existing loans in there.

Some costs can go in multiple places. Car insurance could go under insurance or vehicles, for instance. Don’t sweat the decision too much. Just stay consistent once you’ve made a call.

The numbers to watch...