Creating a Productive Office Environment - Fleximize

Creating a Productive Office Environment

If you're looking for ways to give your workspace a boost, here's a quick look at six simple changes you can make to encourage productivity

By The Fleximize Team

For any growing business, there are few things more important than having a harmonious and productive office environment. One of the biggest problems for businesses is when employees lose motivation or focus and productivity suffers as a result. However, there are a number of measures that you can take to improve your work environment and keep your teams happy and productive.

1. Consider the latest technology

Over the last few decades technology has become such an immense force in business that it now encompasses almost every aspect of work life, from project management to remote communication and cloud storage. The most successful companies make it their priority to take advantage of the latest technology and with plenty of office gadgets expected to be the turning point for businesses this year, it’s important to get your company at the forefront.

Wireless charging, for example, is one of the latest time and space-saving innovations that you should think about investing in. Low batteries and an over-reliance on plug sockets can create stress and clutter for your employees. Charging pads offer a sleek solution to this problem. They offer great flexibility as they can charge almost any device without the need to untangle the forest of wires in the community charger drawer. Incorporate wireless charging points into seating areas around your office, so your staff can move to a new environment and refresh their minds if they start to feel productivity levels getting low.

2. Keep things clean and tidy

Although it can be argued that the most creative people are messy, having an untidy and cluttered workspace is efficiency’s kryptonite. A cluttered desk will mean your employees struggle to focus on their tasks. The best way to prevent this from happening is to keep the work area as tidy as possible, even if that means scheduling in a small clean up once a day.

An untidy desk is also a recipe for lost files, pens and post-it notes, which everyone knows raises stress levels exponentially. Research shows that 38 hours are lost every year in the office as staff try to relocate their missing items. To help combat this, consider a paperless approach to your office with cloud computing services. Not only does this reduce the amount of paper that could be floating around on your desk, but it also means your staff can access any document they need quickly and easily, without having to chase it down from someone else.

3. Set individual and collective targets

Setting individual and collective targets means that your team will be aware of who is responsible for what, so wastage and duplication are minimized. Consider using a task management system which allows you and your staff to view what duties need to be completed each day.

Regular meetings and reviews also allow you to track everyone’s progress and set targets that your staff can aim towards. Working with your employees to set their own business and personal objectives will encourage your team to stay motivated and productive. These meetings also allow your employees the opportunity to give feedback, which will in turn, boosts their engagement levels.

4. Change the ambiance

If you’ve noticed that your office space has grown a bit stale or lacking in atmosphere, then you can take some steps to improve the ambiance. Introducing indoor plants, for example, is a great way to breathe some new life into an office space. Not only do they provide aesthetic relief, but research suggests that plants in the office space can reduce tension and anxiety by up to 37%, help combat depression and improve overall happiness.

Another possible avenue that your business could explore is testing out different lighting throughout the day, as this can have a large bearing on productivity levels.

5. Time away from your desk

It’s in your best interests to encourage your workers to spend some time away from their desks. Throughout the day, it’s easy to lose concentration when you’re sitting in front of a screen for hours on end. Many studies have revealed that the top 10% of companies don’t actually work longer hours than anyone else, they actually take more breaks to help re-calibrate and refresh the mind. Moving around the office also gives workers a chance to stretch and get the blood flowing, which is beneficial to health and improves ergonomics.

Make sure you have a friendly and inviting area for your staff to eat lunch and make the most of their breaks. You should encourage your workers not to eat their lunch at their desks, as this can lead to sluggishness and fatigue.

6. Incentives

If your employees aren’t feeling engaged with the company and its objectives, then they’re going to lose motivation and this will bring down productivity levels. Offering incentives like profit sharing, target related bonuses, team events or performance prizes are all ways to encourage your employees to engage with their workload.

As a business owner, you will know what you can offer and you will have a greater insight into what your team will want to see as an incentive. Profit sharing and bonuses will engage your staff with meeting your company’s end-of-year targets, while incentives such as team events or trips will provide an opportunity for your staff to rest and bond.

Creating the ideal office environment that fosters productivity can be really tricky as it involves a lot of moving parts, but it’s worth it in the long run. By following these pointers, you’ll be well on your way to a productive office environment and a happy team.